
$ZLD Token

What is the $ZLD token?

The $ZLD token is a new token that will be launched shortly after the Zombie Land DAO mint. Zombie holders that stake their zombies will earn yield in $ZLD and will be able to spend on products or trade for $SOL. Once the $ZLD token launches, zombie holders that meet the qualification conditions will be able to convert their $ZLD tokens into $SOL as described above.

How can I earn $ZLD token?​

Earning $ZLDis very simple. All you need to do is keep your ZombieNFT(s) in your wallet. The Staking page has powerful on-chain data capabilities and is able to determine how long each zombie stays in it's current wallet. If a zombie moves from one wallet to another, the staking clock resets.

What can I use $ZLD for?​

$ZLD can be spent anytime the next things -------->

Last updated